today in black history

February 07, 2025

Ragtime pianist and composer Eubie Blake was born in Baltimore on this date in 1883.

FUNdraising Good Times

POSTED: November 24, 2017, 9:45 am

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It’s here – the Christmas season. You cannot hide. It’s everywhere! How will you choose to participate? Will you remember the “reason for the season?” Will you remember to express joy for the “light of the world?” Will you get caught up in expectations that cannot be fulfilled? Will you try to hide from it all? We have an idea: honor the people in your life with a gift to a nonprofit.

Yes, we know there are cynics out there, people who say “Oh, you didn’t want to take time to shop for something special, so you just wrote a check to a nonprofit.” Well, that is the height of cynicism. Any time you write a check there is no “just” in the sentence. It means a lot to share what you have with others. And, we are talking about more than just “checking the box” when it comes to making your gift.

We are suggesting you not only make a gift to a nonprofit, but that you write a letter or send an email to the person you are honoring. Tell them – in writing – how special they are to you. Lift up their good qualities. Speak from your heart. Be bold, and share what you are doing on social media – tell the story of those you admire and why. And tell the world about the organization you are making a gift to in their honor and why.

And don’t forget to tell the nonprofit about why you are making the gift. If you are giving to a small organization, pick up the phone or write an email to let people know what you are planning and why. Ask them to send a thank you to the person you are honoring and to include a note about why. Many nonprofits are set up to do this, but just in case, let the organization know you are honoring someone important in your life.

There are so many people you can honor: family members, co-workers, friends, community leaders, local students, and even your adversaries. That’s right – even your adversaries. Those we believe we are “opposed” to are also our teachers. They can show us who we don’t want to be. They can cause us to question and reaffirm our core beliefs. They can teach us to love even when we don’t want to.

Double your impact. Give to a nonprofit and honor the people in your life.

Copyright 2017 – Mel and Pearl Shaw

Mel and Pearl Shaw are authors of four books on fundraising available on For help growing your fundraising visit or call (901) 522-8727.

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