today in black history

July 26, 2024

The Republic of Liberia, founded by the American Colonization Society to resettle freed African slaves, gains independence in 1847.

Reference Library

The Reference Library is an assortment of research reports, briefing papers, fact sheets, journal and newspaper articles, and other media to assist you in furthering your understanding of the issues we cover on

Black Politicians in New Jersey Reach New Low

Walter Fields

NorthStar Network Executive Editor Walter Fields criticizes Black politicians in New Jersey for opposing the appointment of a Latina to the state's Supreme Court.

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President Bush Addresses the Nation

NorthStar News Staff

A 2003 NorthStar Network news report on President Bush's address to the nation on the situation in Iraq.

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FCC to Issue Order on Media Ownership

NorthStar News Staff

A 2003 NorthStar Network news report on the FCC's new media ownership rules.

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White House Seeks to Muzzle Foreign Press

Walter Fields

NorthStar Network Executive Editor criticizes the Bush White House for its attempt to muzzle the foreign press's criticism of the U.S. war in Iraq.

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Hate American Style

Walter Fields

NorthStar Network Executive Editor Walter Fields remarks that violence in Iraq has its roots in violence against Blacks in America during Jim Crow.

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The Patriot Act

NorthStar News Staff

An April 2003 NorthStar Network article examines the U.S.A. Patriot Act.

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Black Democrats Set to Meet on Hill

NorthStar News Staff

A 2003 NorthStar Network news report on the annual Congressional Black Caucus Legislative Conference.

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CBC Annual Legislative Conference Highlights

NorthStar News Staff

A NorthStar Network recap of highlights from the 2003 Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Conference.

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CBC Sponsors National Town Hall Meeting

NorthStar News Staff

A NorthStar Network news report on the National Town Hall Meeting held during the 2003 Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Conference.

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The Search for Osama Hussein

NorthStar News Staff

An October 2003 NorthStar Network editorial criticizing the Bush administration's attempt to tie the U.S. invasion of Iraq to the events of September 11, 2001.

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Black Milestones on Capitol Hill

NorthStar News Staff

A January 2003 NorthStar Network news report on Black milestones in the United States Congress.

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Black Opposition to the Iraq War

Walter Fields

NorthStar Network Executive Editor Walter Fields suggests that Black opposition to the Iraq war is rational and borne from our experiences in the United States.

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DC Voting Rights

NorthStar News Staff

A January 2004 NorthStar Network news report examines the disfranchisement of residents of the District of Columbia.

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Justice for the Central Park Five

NorthStar News Staff

An October 2002 NorthStar editorial on the malicious prosecution of five young Black men in the infamous Central Park rape incident.

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Rush Limbaugh and the Hypocrisy Smokescreen

Kimberle Crenshaw

Noted legal scholar Kimberle Crenshaw looks at the hypocrisy of conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh.

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Media Group Pulls Nightline

NorthStar News Staff

In this May 2004 article we examine Sinclair Broadcast Group's decision to pull the ABC news show "Nightline" off the air due to Ted Koppell's criticism of the Iraq War.

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Thomas earns Buckwheat Award

NorthStar News Staff

In this June 24, 2003 editorial, NorthStar News takes on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas for his anti-civil rights positions.

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Challenge to Diversity Policies

A diagram showing the broad network of institutions and individuals that are posing a threat to the nation's laws designed to increase diversity in colleges and the workplace.

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U.N. Mission to Liberia

NorthStar News Staff

An August 3, 2003 article on the vote of the U.N. Security Council to send a peacekeeping force to Liberia.

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The Big Lie in Central Park Jogger Case

By Bob Pickett

In this April 10, 2003 Op-Ed, Bob Pickett, co-host of the "Open Line" radio program in New York City shares his views on the controversial Central Park jogger case.

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Blair Mimics Bush: The Making of the Enemy Within

Simon Woolley

In this February 27, 2003 Op-Ed, Simon Woolley, head of Operation Black Vote in London, criticizes British Prime Minister Tony Blair for following the lead of President George W. Bush.

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D.C. Voting Rights

NorthStar News Staff

This January 11, 2004 article looks at issues of voting rights and statehood for the residents of the District of Columbia.

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In Our View: Jam Master Jay Never Lost Touch With His Roots

NorthStar News Staff

Our November 1, 2002 editorial remembers the legacy of the pioneering DJ of the legendary hip-hop group, Run DMC, who was killed in a shooting incident.

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Complacency threatens Blacks in the UK

Simon Woolley

In this May 16, 2003 Op-Ed, the head of Operation Black Vote in London, Simon Woolley, expresses concern over the complacency of Blacks in the UK and how its a threat to their voting rights.

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Blacks in the Military

NorthStar News Staff

A snapshot from March 20, 2003 of Blacks' enlistment in the Armed Forces.

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In Our View: AIDS Vaccine Trial Raises Serious Questions

NorthStar News Staff

This February 25, 2003 Editorial looks at a trial of an AIDS vaccine and questions how its success will be measured.

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Black Like Me?

Walter Fields

In this April 29, 2003 Op-Ed, Executive Editor Walter Fields suggests that President George W. Bush's nominations for federal courts are meant to send a message to Black Americans.

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The Preference of White Privilege

Kimberle Crenshaw

Legal scholar Kimberle Crenshaw looks at the opposition to affirmative action by President George W. Bush as a preference for white privilege over equity.

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Attacks on NJ's Poet Laureate Reflects Political Cynicism

Walter Fields

In this September 30, 2002 Op-Ed, Executive Editor Walter Fields defends New Jersey Poet Laureate Amiri Baraka over his poem "Somebody Blew Up America."

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