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January 26, 2025

Political activist and college professor Angela Davis is born on this date in 1944.

More Endorsements for Obama

POSTED: October 19, 2008, 12:00 am

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The endorsements continue to come in for Senator Barack Obama as many of the nation’s largest daily newspapers cast their support behind the Democrat.

Chicago Sun-Times
October 18, 2008

Our endorsement for president of the United States goes to Sen. Barack Obama, Chicago's adopted son. He has the unique background, superior intellect, sound judgment and first-rate temperament to lead our nation in difficult times.

Read the full endorsement.

Denver Post

Barack Obama for president
October 18, 2008

Republicans love to mock Obama's history as a community organizer. But here was a man with no money to offer, no patronage to dispense, no way to punish his opponents. All he could do was to work with people from all walks of life, liberals and conservatives, business people and the unemployed, and bring them together in common cause for a better community. Could there really be better preparation to reunite a worried and divided America to again pursue our "more perfect union"?

Read the full endorsement.

Miami Herald
October 18, 2008

In other elections, voters have complained of having to make a choice between two bad candidates. That is not the case this time. The nation is fortunate to have good candidates and a clear choice. Sen. Obama represents the best chance for America to make a clean break with the culture wars and failed policies of the past, and begin to restore the hope and promise of America as the world's greatest democracy.

Read the full endorsement.

The Oregonian

Obama for President
October 18, 2008

Obama has the best chance, and the best abilities, to rebuild an American economy that has grown dangerously unstable, with government, consumers and the nation itself spiraling deeply into debt and selling off the national future to pay for daily expenses. He is the best choice to rebuild the American position in the world, to restore our ties with traditional allies, to re-make the American argument to the rest of the world.

Read the full endorsement.

The Salt Lake Tribune

A simple choice: The nation needs Barack Obama in the White House
October 18, 2008

By necessity, the country's next commander in chief must also be its mender in chief, capable of inspiring his angry and divided constituents to join together in a recovery project to restore the peace, prosperity, and self-confidence we once knew.

We fear that a lesser effort may be insufficient to reverse America's slide toward economic, political and societal chaos. The times require dramatic and comprehensive change. The presidential candidates know it, and have made it their mantra. Most Americans know it, and, in growing numbers, are demanding it. The countries that have long depended upon the United States for enlightened global leadership long for it. For the sake of all, and for those who follow us, we must have it.

The editorial board of The Salt Lake Tribune believes that Barack Obama can deliver it.

Read the full endorsement.

Philadelphia Inquirer

For President: Obama Will Lead
October 18, 2008

Both major candidates are trying to avoid association with Bush's failed policies. But only one does so successfully. On every issue important to America, Barack Obama offers a plan that would pull this nation from the precipice built by bad Bush decisions. The Inquirer endorses Barack Obama for president.

Read the full endorsement.

The San Francisco Chronicle

Barack Obama for president
October 17, 2008

Throughout a campaign that has been intense - and at some points ugly - Obama has kept his composure and maintained a vision of optimism that has drawn an unparalleled wave of young people into the political process. His policies and his persona have offered hope to a nation that is deeply polarized, swimming in debt, mired in war and ridden with anxiety. He taps into that treasured American reservoir - patriotism - with his calls for sacrifice and national service.

Barack Obama is the right president for these troubled times.

Read the full endorsement.

Kansas City Star

Barack Obama for president
October 17, 2008

The Obama-Biden ticket offers the best hope of recovering from today’s economic difficulties, reclaiming leadership in the world and moving forward to a more promising future.

Read the full endorsement.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

It’s Obama: We need a president who will break with the past
October 12, 2008

In three weeks, Americans will be called upon to make an exceptional judgment worthy of the times. The forces of history appear to invite boldness and the Post-Gazette believes they should be heeded by voting for the only authentic, fresh agent of change in this race, Barack Obama.

Read the full endorsement.

Seattle Post Intelligencer

P-I endorsement: Elect Obama
October 6, 2008

As never before in the lifetimes of any but the Greatest Generation, the country faces challenges at home and abroad. Overcoming hurdles, building for the future and making us more secure financially and strategically will require a president with Obama's clear desire and surpassing ability to speak to all Americans.

Reda the full endorsement.

Charleston (WV) Gazette-Mail
October 6, 2008

Barack Obama is one of those rare leaders who appear in America perhaps once per generation - a deep thinker who inspires people almost in the tradition of Winston Churchill. Obama's mind probes farther than those around him, and he has eloquence to convey his insights to everyone. He stirs Americans to strive for a better society.

Read the full endorsement.

The San Jose Mercury

Seize this historic moment: Elect Barack Obama for president
October 4, 2008

Americans need a clean and dramatic break from the derelict policies of George W. Bush.

We desperately need a president who will restore our standing in the world and re-energize us at home by turning attention to issues that Bush ignored: the need for energy independence, the stagnant wages of the middle class and the lack of affordable health care.

Barack Obama will be such a president. He speaks to Americans' yearning for renewal. He has the ability to restore America's confidence and guide this country toward a more stable and secure future.

Read the full endorsement.

The Seattle Times

Barack Obama for president
September 21, 2008

An economic Katrina is shattering the confidence of hardworking, middle-class Americans. The war that should never have been in Iraq is dragging on too long. At a time of huge challenge, the candidate with the intelligence, temperament and judgment to lead our nation to a better place is Sen. Barack Obama.

Read the full endorsement.

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