today in black history

February 09, 2025

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. met with President Lyndon Johnson on this date in 1965 to discuss voting rights for Black Americans.

A Menace to Society

POSTED: October 06, 2020, 11:30 am

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In four years in the White House, Donald Trump has achieved one undebatable feat – he has proven himself unfit for the presidency of the United States. In fact, the 45th president is a menace to society and a global security threat, and upon leaving office, should be charged with treason for high crimes and misdemeanors. Donald Trump has single-handedly injured an already fragile democracy and threatens to install a fascist regime rooted in White supremacy. He represents the most serious threat to the American democratic experiment since the Civil War.

In four short years Trump has undermined the standing of the United States within the global community by embracing dictators and despotic rulers. He has made a mockery of decades of well-established and time honored alliances, and by doing so, has provided an open invitation for our fiercest enemy, Russia, to gain a foothold in our country and wreck the integrity of our electoral system. His coddling of North Korea’s Kim Jong-un and boyhood crush on Vladimir Putin has served world leaders notice that the United States, a nuclear power, can no longer be a trusted source for level-headed and mature decision making to preserve world peace and assist nations on a humanitarian basis. The United States is now a pariah state and our diminution can be traced directly to the irresponsibility and callousness of Donald Trump.

By embracing quackery in mocking COVID-19, Trump allowed a deadly pandemic to take root in the United States and claim over 200,000 lives. Trump’s mocking of medical experts and the science of infectious diseases crippled the nation’s economy and has resulted in the loss of millions of American jobs and the closing of thousands of businesses, small and large. Donald Trump has wrecked the economy to the point that recovery may now be a decade in the making, and some workers and businesses will never recover. Trump’s attempt to bully public schools and colleges to reopen was in direct defiance of public health data, and the consequences are now being felt as public school districts are experiencing shutdowns and college campuses attempt to control COVID-19 outbreaks. The president’s childish need for attention and adulation even compromised his own health, the health of his executive staff and that of White House workers. His silly attempt to portray strength in the face of his own COVID-19 diagnosis and his effort to downplay the seriousness of the pandemic has all the markings of an invitation for Karma to settle the score.

From the beginning of his presidency, the Donald Trump many of us in the New York area were familiar with, resurfaced in all his racist glory. We saw this when he decided to brand White supremacists who caused the death of a peaceful protester in Charlottesville, Virginia as ‘fine people.’ For Trump, racism is just another tool to wield to curry favor and grow his base. This is the same man that attempted to frame 5 innocent young Black men for a rape and assault they did not commit, and publicly suggested they deserved the death penalty. His peddling of racist stereotypes was not restricted to the so-called ‘Central Park 5.’ Trump also took aim at the Ramapough Mountain Indians in New Jersey and suggested they were not ‘real Indians’ when the tribe was applying for federal status because he feared the Ramapoughs might attempt to build a casino that would rival his Atlantic City properties. Donald Trump has never been a bashful racist. He has simply been opportunistic in how he operated as a bigot. His ‘brand’ is built on racism and exploitation, and it is why he could not denounce White supremacists during the first presidential debate.

Speaking of Donald Trump’s brand, it is built on smoke and mirrors. He took an inheritance from his father and built a real estate portfolio on unethical business practices and tax evasion. It is why he has so desperately fought against the release of his tax returns. Donald Trump is a fraud and a failure as a businessman. Whatever wealth he accumulated was done so on the false narrative of his business acumen. It’s precisely what the New York Times has exposed in its investigation of Trump’s tax records. The Trump Organization is not a real estate company. It’s a public relations firm that uses the Trump name and mythology to drive revenue to the firm. Just look at the mess he caused in Atlantic City with his gaudy and cheaply built casinos that are now all closed. He almost single-handedly destroyed gaming in the ocean resort town, leaving the famous resort in shambles as he is now doing to this nation.

“Trump sees the polling data and his inability to keep pace with the Democrats’ fundraising, and he knows he is poised to lose this election. The only weapon he has left is chaos and he is using that to encourage his supporters to engage in violence by suggesting the election is rigged. It is a pathetic and desperate ploy by a pathetic and desperate man.”

This election is like none other since the election of Abraham Lincoln. This election is about the preservation of the United States and whether our Constitution can withstand a coup from within the Oval Office. Donald Trump has made clear his intent to undermine this election. His dismantling of the postal system, attacks on mail balloting and constant attacks upon the integrity of voting are all a designed strategy to secure re-election by thievery. It is why he dismisses the warning of his own intelligence experts that Russia is again meddling in our elections and is engaged in a misinformation campaign over social media. Trump sees the polling data and his inability to keep pace with the Democrats’ fundraising, and he knows he is poised to lose this election. The only weapon he has left is chaos and he is using that to encourage his supporters to engage in violence by suggesting the election is rigged. It is a pathetic and desperate ploy by a pathetic and desperate man.

America, it’s time to remove this threat from the White House.

Walter Fields is Executive Editor of

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