today in black history

October 22, 2024

Some 3,000 Blacks march in Philadelphia in 1906 to protest a theatrical production of "The Clansman" and 62 are reported lynched.

Positive motivation goes a long way

POSTED: June 29, 2009, 12:40 am

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Positive words and declarations to yourself and others provide fuel to get through the day. Motivation is the tremendous force that pushes us through life. If you want to make things happen in life, quickly learn the skill of motivation. Motivation is not just employed in the workplace, but also with friendships, and at home. Motivation requires skilled communication and a real understanding of shared incentives.

1. One of our shared needs is the need for approval, so make a point to tell your employee, one on one, and with fellow employees, how great a job he has been doing.

Positive motivation goes a long way2. Allow your child the opportunity to discover on her own. Allow her to be challenged and the opportunity to face new and difficult problems.

3. Cutbacks are understandable, but coffee and bagels go a long way in motivating a group in the mornings.

4. Take the personal needs of individuals into consideration.  For example, if a father does not have to be concerned about a sick child at home, he will perform better at work. Allow him the day to work from home.

5. Show respect for an individual’s values, culture, and race. Need I say more?

6. People are motivated by a fair, kind, and just leader. They know what to expect and know that you can be relied upon.

7. Allow independence, creativity, and individuality to exist. Don’t be so hell-bent on things being your way.

8. We all are motivated by stability and specifics. Express detailed directions or expectations, when possible. Offer goals and deadlines.

9. Have you noticed how motivated you are after a workout or a long walk? Well, get moving! In addition, make it fun! Make it stimulating!

10. We are motivated by power, the ability to make things happen. Look for opportunities to advance and to make something your own.

11. Sex! Romance. Kisses. Hugs. Get some! Give some!

12. Nurture open and honest lines of communication, especially on a team. Constructive criticism is good. Without threats, seek ways to build a group that provides a feeling of safety and camaraderie.

Remember, no deed is too small to be recognized. A simple thank you goes a long way.
That bank teller will always take care of your business with utmost care, if you are sure to say “Hello” and “Thank You!”

Let me leave you with something for you…Positive and motivating thoughts are bound to lead to success. Success leads you to happiness and a feeling of accomplishment. With that you can do most anything!

If you have any comments about positive motivation, contact Sandra Daley at

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