Gallup Presidential Election Center
Gallup Presidential Approval Tracking
Gallup Daily Presidential Approval Tracking
Ipsos/Reuters - September 7
Synopsis: We may be seeing the beginning of a Convention bump for the President: Obama is up 2 points to 46% and Romney down one point to 44% among Likely Voters. The shifts are within the credibility interval for both candidates, but the direction of both does suggest the beginning of a post-Convention ‘bump’; tomorrow’s data will provide more clarity. Source: Ipsos/Reuters
CNN/ORC Poll - September 9
Synopsis: Poll shows President Obama receiving a post Democratic convention bounce and holding a 6 point lead over challenger, Republican Mitt Romney, with a + or - 3 margin of error.
ABC News/Washington Post - September 12
Synopsis: President Obama's favorability rating increase and is now in the positive zone while challenger Mitt Romney's favorability rating remains negative.
The Detroit Free Press/WXYZ-TV - September 11
Synopsis: President Obama has taken a commanding lead in Michigan, 47% versus 37% for Governor Romney
NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist - September 14
Synposis: President Obama has a slight lead over Republican Challenger Mitt Romney in Virginia, Ohio and Florida
GWU - Thumbtack Small Business Survey
Synposis: President Obama holds a 47% - 39% edge over Republican Mitt Romney and is perceived as more supportive of small companies by business owners who identify as independents.
Washington Post Poll - September 25
Synopsis: President Obama holds a slight lead over Republican challenger Mitt Romney in Florida and leads by 8 percentage points in Ohio.
5 takeaways from the Washington Post Ohio and Florida polls
Quinnipiac University/New York Times/CBS Poll - September 26
Synopsis: President Obama has opened up a significant lead over Republican challenger Mitt Romney in the states of Ohio and Florida, as the GOP candidate is losing support beyond undecided voters.
Pew Research Center - October 8
Synopsis: Republican Mitt Romey's debate performance has wiped out the President's post-convention bounce and holds a slight lead among likely voters, 49% - 45%,
Pew Hispanic Center - October 11
Synopsis: President Obama enjoys a huge advantage over Republican challenger Mitt Romney among Latino voters, 69% to 21%.