today in black history

October 26, 2024

Edward W. Brooke, III, the first Black to serve in the U.S. Senate in the 20th century, is born in 1919 in Washington, D.C.

Time to Rise Up

POSTED: July 29, 2019, 11:00 am

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It’s not that we did not know Donald Trump was a racist before the Imposter-in-Chief’s childish rant on Twitter throwing shade at Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), the congressman’s district and the people of Baltimore. His tweets simply laid his racism bare. Following his racist and xenophobic attack on “The Squad” – Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) - the four young women of color in Congress who obviously scare him to death, Trump’s attacks on Cummings revealed the depths of his fears. He knows Rep. Cummings is coming for him and would like nothing else to distract the public from the numerous offenses of this rogue administration. It won’t work.

The stage is now set and the battle lines have been drawn. The 2020 presidential election is not simply about elected the 46th president. It’s about stamping out white supremacy from our federal government and returning the United States to its place among democratic governments. Though far from perfect pre-Trump, what the orange madman has unleashed on the world is hate mongering at an unprecedented level. It is the responsibility of level-headed Americans to protect the world from this madman and expedite his exit from the White House.

We must start now to organize and prepare for the November 2020 elections. While the Democratic Party works out its demons to determine to its eventual presidential nominee, we must lay the groundwork for a record-breaking turnout. This must be an all-hands-on-deck effort that leaves nothing to chance. What is clear is that the Black community has the infrastructure to be a major factor in the next presidential election. The challenge is to be strategic and to unleash the assets we have in a focused way.

So, here is the beginning steps that we will build on over the course of the next year.

The Youth Vote

The 18-24-year old vote, Generation Z, if mobilized can be a difference maker in November 2020. This means that ongoing voter registration must be a priority in the coming academic year in high schools and college campuses. Commencement exercises must also include voter registration. Sporting events must also be used for voter registration. Greek letter fraternities and sororities need to mobilize their college chapters and increase the number of members who are registered and other students on their college campuses. This is a key voting bloc that could play a pivotal role in battleground states such as Michigan, Wyoming, Pennsylvania and Ohio. Beginning in September, we will provide access to voter registration forms in these states and others.

The Black Church/Mosques

Though much maligned, the millions of parishioners in Black congregations must engage the community beyond the walls of their churches and mosques, and approach voter registration and voter turnout with mission-like vigor. The resources of the Black faith community are tremendous and if there ever was a time to strategically deploy them, the time is now.

Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Black colleges must leave no voter behind in November 2020 and pursue a goal of 100% voter turnout among students, staff and alumni. Every Black college homecoming must be viewed as an opportunity to register voters and build databases to drive turnout.

Black Community-Based Organizations

No matter their mission, every Black organization in America must be about the business of voter registration in the coming year and be prepared to mobilize on the streets to turnout voters on Election Day in November 2020. These organizations can serve as the ground troops for a record voter turnout in the Black community. Those organizations that have offices must use them as voter registration sites.

Black Merchants

Every Black owned business must make it a priority to provide voter registration materials and information on polling sites for customers. Merchants should also display signage that encourages voting and makes clear the importance of the 2020 Election.

As the year advances, we will publish strategic guides for the groups we described above as well as publish voter information for specific states. This is an election that cannot be taken lightly and that we can’t wait until the last minute to organize. Without sounding too dramatic but being appropriately alarmist, the 2020 election will affect generations of Black people in America and could very well be the end of the democratic experiment in America.

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