today in black history

October 26, 2024

Edward W. Brooke, III, the first Black to serve in the U.S. Senate in the 20th century, is born in 1919 in Washington, D.C.

CBC Supports Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson

POSTED: March 22, 2022, 1:00 pm

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Members of the Congressional Black Caucus released statements in support of President Joe Biden’s nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the United States Supreme Court in advance of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s confirmation hearing.

“I had the pleasure of speaking with Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson earlier this month and it became immediately clear why President Biden chose her. Her words, actions, and readiness clearly demonstrate that she has been preparing for this moment her entire life. From her work on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, to the eight years she spent as a federal trial court judge, to her early days as a public defender, Judge Jackson will bring an unprecedented resume to our nation’s highest court. She is poised to be the most historic and impactful Supreme Court Justice of the 21st century. Judge Jackson will also bring her lifetime of perspective as a Black woman, something our nation’s highest court has never seen. We know that when America’s boardrooms, legislatures, and even the Supreme Court start to resemble America, we all benefit,” said Congressional Black Caucus Chair Joyce Beatty.

“The highest court in the nation ought to reflect the unique backgrounds and experiences of its people. I applaud President Biden for making it his mission to create greater diversity on the federal bench, especially for women. The 22 minority women nominated to serve as federal judges by President Biden and confirmed by the Senate thus far are already making positive contributions on courts where they had long been underrepresented. This week’s confirmation hearings mark a significant step forward toward shattering the final judicial glass ceiling by putting a Black woman on the Supreme Court. I congratulate Judge Jackson and offer my full support during the confirmation process and beyond,” said U.S. House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn.

“This is a historic moment. Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson will bring an impressive record of both legal and lived experience to the United States Supreme Court. I would like to thank President Biden for her nomination and for upholding his commitment to rebuilding our institutions in a way that better reflects the diversity of our country. Given her legal expertise and extensive credentials, I look forward to a quick, strong, and bipartisan confirmation in the Senate,” said Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson.

“Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is a groundbreaking, visionary, highly capable legal mind who has dedicated her career to ensuring that the rights and protections afforded by our Constitution apply equally to those who need them the most. Her time as a public defender, on the U.S. Sentencing Commission and as a federal judge, combined with her life experience as a Black woman, has provided her with unique knowledge and perspective to strengthen the high court and balance the scales of justice. The Senate should provide Judge Jackson with the full and fair consideration the American people deserve and then confirm her to the Supreme Court,” said Congressman Hakeem Jeffries.

“President Joe Biden has made an excellent choice in nominating Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, an experienced and principled judge, to serve on the Supreme Court. In nominating Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court, President Biden has chosen someone who has a strong commitment to our Constitution and has dedicated her career to equal justice. If confirmed, Judge Jackson will make history as the first Black woman to serve on the highest court in the land, and the first public defender. Judge Jackson began her career as a clerk for Justice Stephen Breyer and followed in his footsteps on the U.S. Sentencing Commission. I am confident Judge Jackson will be a worthy replacement to preserve the Supreme Court’s vital role as a defender of our rights and freedoms. I look forward to Judge Jackson receiving a fair and swift confirmation process,” said Congressman G. K. Butterfield.

“Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is qualified, thoughtful, capable, and conscientious. Her exemplary career demonstrates that she will be an outstanding member of the United States Supreme Court. I urge the Senate to execute a swift but thorough consideration of her historic nomination – as they have several times before – and send her to take her rightful place as a Justice of the United States Supreme Court,” said Congressman Troy A. Carter Sr.

“As the little Black girl who grew up on the eastside of Detroit, it’s hard to describe what this moment means for me. Black women have been overlooked for centuries—in employment, education, politics, C-suites, and all aspects of society. The impact Judge Jackson will have on the Supreme Court cannot be understated. She brings with her a set of values, perspectives, and lived experiences that will make the Supreme Court more fair and just. Today, we’re making Black history. Today, we’re making American history. I look forward to a swift and fair confirmation process for Judge Jackson,” said Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence.

“Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is an eminently qualified jurist whose stellar record of service in our nation’s federal courts has won her praise and admiration from both sides of the aisle. This is another historic step towards ensuring that our country’s highest court reflects the people it serves and draws upon the full range of excellence available to the American people. I urge a full and fair hearing by the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee and her swift confirmation. Today, more young women — particularly women of color — can look to the hallowed halls of the Supreme Court with pride, inspiration, and hope,” said Congressman Sanford D. Bishop, Jr.

“Representation matters. I applaud President Biden for his demonstrated commitment to inclusivity with this historic nomination. When Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is confirmed, little Black girls everywhere will be able to see themselves as a Supreme Court Justice. Judge Jackson will bring much-needed diversity of identity, perspective, and experience to the Supreme Court bench. Even more, Judge Jackson brings a commitment to protecting our constitutional rights, especially reproductive and voting rights. Judge Jackson is one of the country’s best legal minds and she deserves a fair and timely hearing in the Senate. I look forward to seeing Judge Jackson become the first Black woman Supreme Court Justice,” said Congresswoman Nikema Williams.

“Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson has the fitness and temperament to serve on the Supreme Court and I am proud to support her nomination. Together with her tenure as a United States District Judge and as a United States Circuit Judge, she possesses a diverse array of legal experiences, including service as a federal public defender and a member of the United States Sentencing Commission, which make her uniquely qualified to serve. It is no wonder that she is endorsed by diverse organizations such as the Fraternal Order of Police, former Attorney Generals from both parties and from more than 40 states, crime victim-survivors and victim advocates. And, if confirmed, Judge Jackson will be the first African American woman to serve on the Supreme Court—an important milestone in the centuries-long history of our country. I commend President Joe Biden for selecting this exceptionally well-qualified nominee and for selecting someone who reflects the diversity and promise of our great nation,” said Congresswoman Maxine Waters.

“Today is a historic day. An eminent and distinguished jurist in her own right, Judge Jackson sits on the shoulders of other preeminent Black women in American history, from Sojourner Truth to Ida B. Wells to Fannie Lou Hamer to Ella Baker and Shirley Chisholm — and the list goes on. This is a proud moment for America. It's a proud moment for women, and for Black women in particular. Judge Jackson has broad experience across the legal profession and will be the first public defender to sit on our nation’s highest court. I look forward to the Senate moving forward with a fair and timely confirmation, especially given that Judge Jackson has previously been confirmed by the Senate on a bipartisan basis on three separate occasions,” said Congressman Bobby Rush.

“This is a historic day for America. For over two centuries, all but seven Supreme Court justices have been white men. As a result, the court has lacked perspective and representation from people most severely impacted by discriminatory laws. I have no doubt that as the first Black woman to serve on the nation’s highest court, Judge Jackson will bring invaluable life experience to a bench in dire need of perspective. Her decades of experience in public service and impressive credentials make her eminently qualified, a sentiment echoed by several Republicans during her previous confirmations. I commend President Biden for fulfilling his campaign promise, congratulate Judge Jackson, and look forward to a swift and fair confirmation in the Senate,” said Congresswoman Barbara Lee.

“Judge Jackson’s education, distinguished legal career, and lived experience give her both a depth of knowledge and soundness of judgment that will serve this country well. And having already received a bipartisan confirmation vote to serve on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, I’m confident that Judge Jackson is exactly the candidate to navigate the nomination process successfully. On a personal note, it is simply thrilling to see such a qualified Black woman finally have the opportunity to sit on the highest court in the land. I still remember the feeling of pride I had, two years ago to this day, as I sat in the Presidential debate audience where then-candidate Biden announced his intent to nominate our country’s first Black woman to the Supreme Court. It’s a feeling that has been amplified by today’s announcement - and a feeling I know is shared by millions across the country. I look forward to the Senate’s prompt consideration of this incredibly qualified candidate - and I look forward even more to having Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson become Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson,” said Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester.

“Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is the most qualified Supreme Court nominee in years. That alone should merit sincere consideration from all 100 Senators. She has my full support, and my best wishes for a speedy confirmation,” said Congresswoman Alma Adams.

“Judge Jackson is an impeccably qualified nominee who is principled and committed to equal justice under law. In this moment, it is critical that we have Supreme Court justices like Ketanji Brown Jackson who will work toward a vision of justice that is inclusive and equitable, and recognize the dignity and humanity of the very people her decisions would impact. As a former public defender and the first Supreme Court nominee with a background in criminal legal reform since Justice Thurgood Marshall, Judge Jackson fits the bill,” said Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley.

“Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's years of public service, legal expertise, and commitment to justice for all make her eminently qualified to fill this vital post on the highest court in the land, at this critical time. I commend President Biden on his excellent selection, and I urge my Senate colleagues to confirm her to the Court with all deliberate speed," said Congressman André Carson.

“The nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the United States Supreme Court is a proud moment for this country. A fair and respected jurist with an unyielding commitment to justice in this country, I look forward to supporting Judge Jackson through this process and ensuring she becomes the first Black woman to sit on the highest court in the land,” said Congressmember Karen Bass.

“Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson has a spectacular record, impeccable credentials, and her perspective as a fellow Floridian will be a breath of fresh air on the Court. She is exceptionally qualified to serve on the Supreme Court. In the coming years, the Supreme Court is likely to hear cases that may determine the long-term direction of American life, and the safety and constitutional rights of every American. Judge Jackson has demonstrated throughout her career that she will be impartial, meticulous, and will put the law and Constitution first in every case. In less partisan times she is the kind of nominee who might have been confirmed unanimously by the U.S. Senate. I expect every member of the Senate to give Judge Jackson full and fair consideration. This remarkable Floridian should be confirmed without delay,” said Congresswoman Val Demings.

“The significance of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination cannot be understated. For the first time in U.S. history, a Black woman will serve on the highest court in the land, redefining what is possible for the next generation of Black women and girls, especially those pursuing careers in law. This barrier-breaking nomination is long overdue and I applaud President Biden for his commitment to ensuring the federal bench reflects the diversity of this great nation. I look forward to a swift and fair confirmation process in the U.S. Senate,” said Congresswoman Terri Sewell.

“Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is eminently qualified and will make an exceptional, groundbreaking, thoughtful and formidable Supreme Court justice. As a former public defender, Judge Jackson would also bring the most criminal defense experience since Thurgood Marshall. She knows our legal system – its success and its failings. She is a fierce defender of our Constitution and the rights it guarantees to all Americans. She is ready and I look forward to a swift and bipartisan confirmation,” said Congressman Anthony G. Brown.

“Today is a monumental day for our nation, as the U.S. Senate begins the confirmation hearing for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to sit on our nation’s highest court. Judge Jackson is an eminently qualified jurist who has displayed her capability and commitment to upholding the U.S. Constitution and providing equal justice under the law. Her distinguished legal career, breadth of knowledge, and lived experience will provide a unique and valuable perspective to the Supreme Court. Our nation stands to benefit when its highest court reflects the diversity of America. I commend President Biden for this historic nomination and look forward to a fair and expeditious confirmation,” said Congressman A. Donald McEachin.

“Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination is a groundbreaking moment in American history. Her confirmation will redefine what is possible for Black women and girls, as they see themselves reflected in our nation’s highest court. Judge Jackson is a distinguished jurist who will bring her years of public service, and a strong commitment to justice to the Supreme Court. I applaud President Biden’s dedication to ensuring our courts reflect the diversity of our nation and I look forward to the Senate’s swift and fair consideration of this deeply qualified candidate,” said Rep. Ritchie Torres.

“As confirmation hearings begin today for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, people across the country will be inspired by her accomplishments and tenacity. The lived experience, legal expertise, and commitment to justice she will bring to the United States Supreme Court are a leap forward in our quest to reach a more fair and representative judicial system. The Senate has confirmed Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson on a bipartisan basis three times already. I look forward to her confirmation as our newest Supreme Court Justice. This is a historic moment for Black women and girls across the country as we finally see ourselves reflected on the highest court in the land,” said Congresswoman Robin Kelly.

“I support the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. Her impressive credentials and judicial experience set her apart as an accomplished and eminently qualified nominee who will uphold the standards of justice for all. I urge her swift confirmation,” said Rep. Kweisi Mfume.

“Judge Jackson has been confirmed by the Senate on a bipartisan basis three times,” said Congressman Hank Johnson. “I expect this nomination process to be no different. Our country is fortunate to have public servants like Judge Jackson, and I urge my colleagues in the Senate to move forward with her fair and timely confirmation.”

“Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court is a historic moment in our nation’s history. As the first black woman to be nominated to sit on the highest court of the land, Judge Brown Jackson is making an extraordinary crack in the glass ceiling. Her stellar track record is a traditional one for a Supreme Court Justice, down to her ivy league school credentials and serving on a federal bench. If she were of a different hue and gender, she’d be a shoo-in, and I will not apologize for her gender or complexion. Those who choose to vote against her are relegating themselves to the halls of infamy alongside Strom Thurmond, Richard Russell, and James Eastland. I look forward to Judge Brown Jackson receiving full and fair consideration before the Senate Judiciary Committee today and throughout the remainder of her hearings,” said Congressman Al Green.

“Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson will provide much-needed real-world experience to the U.S. Supreme Court, having directly served the people as a defense attorney and working on sentencing reform. Her decision to use her skills and intellect to address inequities in law and support those with the least is a true testament to her character. Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court will make history and will be an incredible example and inspiration for women and girls of color,” said Congresswoman Gwen Moore.

“To realize a more perfect union, our democratic institutions must reflect the diversity of our Nation. While Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson will inspire generations of Black women to come, she’ll also add value to the Court and broaden its perspective given her legal background as a public defender and her strong record as a District and Circuit Court Judge. There’s no doubt that she has the intellect, discretion, and record to serve this Nation well at the highest level of our judiciary system. I look forward to Judge Brown’s successful confirmation in the U.S. Senate,” said Congressman Gregory W. Meeks.

“Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is one of our nation’s brightest and most insightful legal minds. She has exceptional experience on the federal bench and has a lifetime of unwavering dedication to the rule of law. Throughout her career, she has been a firm, fair, and prudent jurist, and I look forward to the confirmation and exemplary service of the nation’s first Black woman on the Supreme Court,” said Congresswoman Lucy McBath.

“Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson would be an excellent addition to the Supreme Court,” said Congressman Donald M. Payne, Jr. “She is a highly-qualified and thorough justice who will serve on the high court with distinction. Her work as a public defender and service on the U.S. Sentencing Commission gives her an understanding of how the legal process affects Americans and American families. I am proud that President Biden has fulfilled his campaign promise to nominate an African-American woman to the Supreme Court. This is an outstanding selection and I look forward to seeing her as our country’s next Supreme Court Justice.”

Congressman Dwight Evans said, “The nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson fulfills President Biden’s promise to appoint an eminently qualified Black woman to the Supreme Court. These hearings should remind senators, who have confirmed her three times for other federal positions, just how qualified she is. And I cannot wait to see her sworn in as America’s first Black woman justice on the highest court in the land!”

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